They say you get what you pay for, but that doesn’t mean the most expensive is always the best. Here at Penrith Solar Centre, for instance, only use one brand of solar panel, which we believe is the best. But we also believe we give good value for money. We offer a standard warranty of 25 years. Cheaper units bought from and fitted by other companies may give customers trouble during their lifespan and need to be replaced sooner. That doesn’t represent value for money, because there is that other saying: buy cheap and buy twice.
Saving Money Long-Term
If one major reason for using solar panels in Sydney is to save money and the break-even point is between six and ten years, as is the commonly accepted figure, you don’t want your solar panels to need replacing as soon as they’ve paid for themselves. That should be only the start of the good times. If you can add another 20-odd years on top, then you’re really saving money.
How do you ensure you save money long-term? It all starts with choosing our top-quality products and service. After that, factors that can influence the durability of your solar panels include the placement of the panels and how well you look after and clean them.
Why Professional Installation is so Important
Great care has to be taken in the design of your solar panel installation, making sure not to damage the roof in the process. It has to look good, but above all it has to be practical. Our installation engineers are licensed, properly trained and well-versed in the principles of our company. The quality of our work has been recognised by our winning the title Enphase National installer of the Year. Our reputation rests largely with our engineers, and it also depends to a huge extent on the satisfaction of our customers.
Peace of Mind
When we provide you with a 25-year product warranty, we are also providing peace of mind. In addition to that, we offer on-going monitoring support. That means we keep an eye on your installation electronically; you might say we are always plugged into the back end of your solar system, and we can troubleshoot a problem before you even realise its there. If something were to go wrong – and these things do happen from time to time with even the best quality equipment – our full-time service crew will be there to solve the problem quickly and with the minimum level of inconvenience for you.
The Bigger Picture
We are a company on a mission: we are playing our part in driving Australia to net zero by 2050. That means the end of the greenhouse gas scare that we all became aware of some years ago. Today’s custodians of planet earth – our company included – are dedicated to ensuring that no more greenhouse gas is allowed to enter the atmosphere in any given year than is taken out.
As a client of ours, in addition to saving yourself plenty of money, you will be contributing to the achievement of that aim. Mankind has done untold damage to the planet but we are determined to reverse that trend – and you can help.