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September 9, 2024

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Tesla Wall Connector vs. Zappi EV Charger: Which is Right for You?

A Tesla wall charger is compared side-by-side with a Zappi wall charger, with text "TESLA VS ZAPPI" displayed prominently.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming more popular every year. As more people switch to EVs, the need for home chargers has grown. Two of the most talked-about options are the Tesla Wall Connector and the Zappi EV Charger. But which one is right for you?

At Penrith Solar Centre, we understand how complicated the decision-making process for your energy lifestyle can be. There are a lot of new terms, a bit of math, and some science. Fortunately, we’re experts at EV charging and we’re here to guide you through the differences between these two chargers.

In this article, you’ll learn about:

  • Tesla Wall Connector: A Deep Dive
  • Zappi EV Charger: A Comprehensive Review
  • Side-by-Side Comparison: Tesla Wall Connector vs. Zappi EV Charger
  • Which One Should You Buy?

We’ll break down their pros and cons, costs, and how they fit into different setups. By the end, you’ll have a clear idea of which charger best suits your needs.

Tesla Wall Connector: A Deep Dive

Design and Build Quality

The Tesla Wall Connector has a simple, sleek design. It’s made to look good on any wall, whether it’s inside your garage or outside. The unit is compact, but its minimalistic look isn’t just about style; it’s also practical. The connector is durable, weather-resistant, and built to last.

Installation is straightforward. You can mount it on an exterior or interior wall, depending on where you park your car. Because it can work with both single-phase and three-phase power systems, you just connect it to the right circuit, and it’s ready to go.

The Wall Connector comes with a long cable (7.3 metres), so you have some flexibility in where you install it (or park your EV).

Cost and Value

The Tesla Wall Connector is one of the most affordable EV chargers on the market. It’s priced lower than many competitors, making it a great option for anyone on a budget.

If you own a Tesla, the Wall Connector is a no-brainer. It integrates seamlessly with your car and other Tesla products like the Powerwall.

One feature we’d like to mention at this point is the Tesla Charge From Solar feature in the Tesla App. It does exactly what it says it does: charge your Tesla from your solar system. Unfortunately, this feature is only available to Tesla owners. We mention it here because it’s a cost/value consideration when energy comes from the solar on the roof.

For non-Tesla owners, the Wall Connector is still a solid option, but it doesn’t offer as many smart features as some other chargers. If you’re looking for advanced controls or integration with non-Tesla products, you’ll find the Wall Connector lacking.


The Tesla Wall Connector uses a standard Type 2 connector, which is common in most modern electric vehicles. This makes it easy to plug in and start charging, no matter what kind of EV you drive.

One of the standout features of the Wall Connector is its ability to integrate with the Tesla app. If you own a Tesla, you can use the app to schedule charging times, monitor your charging status, and control the power going to your car. This is especially useful if you want to charge your car during off-peak hours or use solar power during the day.

Pros and Cons


  • Cost-Effective: One of the best value chargers on the market in its class.
  • Tesla Integration: Works seamlessly with Tesla cars and products.
  • Simple Design: Easy to install and use, with a sleek and durable build.
  • Flexible Installation: Can be used with single-phase or three-phase power.


  • Limited Features for Non-Tesla Vehicles: Lacks advanced smart features for other EVs.

If you’re interested in learning a bit more about the Tesla Wall Connector, you might want to check out the following article titled, Tesla Car Charger Review: Is It Right for You?

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Zappi EV Charger: A Comprehensive Review

Design and Build Quality

The Zappi EV Charger stands out for its versatility. It comes in different versions, allowing you to choose between tethered and untethered models. The tethered version has a cable attached, while the untethered version lets you use your own cable.

The unit is compact and built to withstand outdoor conditions, so you can install it inside your garage or on an exterior wall.

A wall-mounted electric vehicle charger with a coiled charging cable is installed on a dark background. The brand "zappi" is visible on the charger.

One of the unique aspects of the Zappi is its integration with solar power systems. It’s designed to work seamlessly with your home’s solar panels, allowing you to charge your car using excess solar energy. This makes it a great option for homeowners who want to make the most out of their solar investment.

Cost and Value

The Zappi EV Charger is priced higher than the Tesla Wall Connector, but it offers more features. The cost varies depending on whether you choose a tethered or untethered model, and whether you opt for the version with the hub, which adds smart features and better integration with other home energy systems.

For those who don’t have solar panels or aren’t interested in advanced features, the Zappi might seem expensive. But for users who want more control over their charging and integration with other smart home systems, the Zappi offers great value.


The Zappi EV Charger is designed to work with a wide range of electric vehicles, using a standard Type 2 connector. Like the Tesla Wall Connector, the Zappi can be used with both single-phase and three-phase power, making it suitable for different home setups.

Close-up of an electric vehicle charging connector with six circular input holes, black grip, and orange cable. The connector is labeled with the text "MENNEKES.

The Zappi also supports multiple charging modes, including Eco+, Eco, and Fast. These modes give you control over how your car charges, whether you want to charge solely from solar power (Eco+), a mix of solar and grid power (Eco), or as quickly as possible using either grid or solar power (Fast).

The Zappi can connect to the MyEnergi app, which offers detailed monitoring and control over your charging process. The app allows you to set charging schedules, monitor your energy usage, and even integrate with other smart home devices.

Image of a Zappi electric vehicle charger against a black background. The charger is white with a digital display screen and connected charging cable.

Pros and Cons


  • Advanced Solar Integration: Perfect for homes with solar panels, allowing you to charge your car with excess solar energy.
  • Multiple Charging Modes: Offers flexibility with Eco+, Eco, and Fast modes.
  • Versatile Installation: Available in both tethered and untethered models, with options for additional smart features.
  • Smart Functionality: Integrates with the MyEnergi app for detailed monitoring and control.


  • Higher Cost: More expensive than the Tesla Wall Connector.
  • Complexity: May be overkill for users who just want a basic, easy-to-use charger.
  • Learning Curve: The advanced features and app integration might require some time to get used to.

If you’re interested in learning a bit more about the Zappi Charger, you might want to check out the following article titled, Zappi Charger Review: Is It the Right Choice for You?

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Side-by-Side Comparison: Tesla Wall Connector vs. Zappi EV Charger


Cost Comparison Summary:

  • Tesla Wall Connector:
    • Lower upfront cost.
    • Best value for Tesla owners.
    • Fewer features for non-Tesla users but still cost-effective.
  • Zappi EV Charger:
    • Higher upfront cost.
    • Additional cost for tethered model and smart hub.
    • Long-term savings for solar users.

When it comes to cost, the Tesla Wall Connector is the clear winner. It’s one of the most affordable 22kW chargers available. For Tesla owners, the Wall Connector provides excellent value because it integrates perfectly with other Tesla products.

The Zappi EV Charger, on the other hand, comes at a higher price point. The cost increases further if you choose the tethered model or add the smart hub for better integration with your home’s energy system.

A non-Tesla charging from a Tesla Wall Connector.


Compatibility Summary:

  • Tesla Wall Connector:
    • Best for Tesla vehicles.
    • Compatible with other EVs, but with fewer features.
  • Zappi EV Charger:
    • Works with most EVs.
    • Ideal for homes with mixed-brand setups.

The Tesla Wall Connector is designed with Tesla vehicles in mind, but it also has a standard Type 2 connector. As we mentioned, non-Tesla users won’t get the full range of features, especially when it comes to smart functionalities and integration with the Tesla app.

The Zappi EV Charger is brand-agnostic, meaning it works well with a wide range of EVs. It’s particularly appealing to users who have mixed-brand setups with different components or who might switch to a different EV in the future.

Zappi wins this one.

Ease of Use

Ease of Use Summary:

  • Tesla Wall Connector:
    • Very easy to use.
    • Best experience for Tesla owners.
    • Straightforward for non-Tesla users.
  • Zappi EV Charger:
    • More features mean a steeper learning curve.
    • The MyEnergi app offers detailed control but requires time to learn.

The Tesla Wall Connector is all about simplicity. It’s easy to install and even easier to use. Once it’s mounted on your wall, all you need to do is plug in your car, and the charger takes care of the rest.

The Zappi EV Charger offers more features, which means it can be a bit more complex to use. While the charger itself is straightforward, the added functionalities, like solar integration and different charging modes, require a bit of learning.

This one goes to Tesla.

An electric vehicle charger (Zappi), a control hub (MyEnergi), and a performance monitoring app displayed on a smartphone screen.

Smart Features

Smart Features Summary:

  • Tesla Wall Connector:
    • Advanced control for Tesla owners through the Tesla app.
  • Zappi EV Charger:
    • Advanced smart features with solar integration.
    • Multiple charging modes for better control.
    • Monitoring and control through the MyEnergi app.

The Tesla Wall Connector has basic smart features when used with non-Tesla vehicles. However, for Tesla owners, it offers more control through the Tesla app, like the Charge From Solar feature.

The Zappi EV Charger is packed with smart features. The MyEnergi app gives you detailed control over your charging process, and you can even integrate the charger with other smart home devices.

Zappi is the clear winner.

Installation Considerations

Installation Summary:

  • Tesla Wall Connector:
    • Simple and flexible installation.
    • Works with single-phase and three-phase power.
    • Long cable for easy placement.
  • Zappi EV Charger:
    • Flexible installation with more options.
    • Works with single-phase and three-phase power.
    • May require additional planning for solar integration and smart features.
A tesla model s parked in front of a house.

Installation of the Tesla Wall Connector is simple and flexible. The charger works with both single-phase and three-phase power systems, and it comes with a long cable that gives you flexibility in where you mount it. Whether you install it inside your garage or outside, the process is straightforward.

The Zappi EV Charger can be installed with or without a cable, and it’s designed to work with various power systems. However, if you’re adding the smart hub or other accessories, the installation process might take a bit longer.

This one is pretty much a tie.

If you’re interested in learning a bit more about Tesla products, you might want to check out the following article titled, Tesla Powerwall 3 Review: An In-Depth Look at Tesla’s New Solar Battery.

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Which One Should You Buy?

Which One Should You Buy? Summary:

  • Tesla Owners: Tesla Wall Connector is the best choice.
  • Non-Tesla Owners: Tesla Wall Connector for simplicity; Zappi for advanced features.
  • Solar Users: Zappi EV Charger for solar integration and savings if you don’t own a Tesla.
  • Basic Users: Tesla Wall Connector for affordability and ease of use; Zappi for those who want more control.

For Tesla Owners

If you own a Tesla, the Tesla Wall Connector is likely the best choice for you. It’s designed specifically for Tesla vehicles, which means you’ll get the most out of its features. The Wall Connector integrates seamlessly with the Tesla ecosystem, including the Tesla app and Powerwall, if you have one.

The cost of the Tesla Wall Connector is also a major plus. It’s one of the most affordable options on the market, and it’s hard to beat the value it offers, especially if you’re already invested in Tesla products. The ability to control and monitor your charging through the Tesla app adds convenience and makes the charging process smoother.

If you’re a Tesla owner, the Wall Connector is a no-brainer. It’s the most efficient, cost-effective, and seamless option for your vehicle.

For Non-Tesla Owners

If you don’t own a Tesla, the decision becomes a bit more complex. The Tesla Wall Connector still works with other electric vehicles, but it doesn’t offer the same range of features for non-Tesla users, like the Charge From Solar option in the app. If you’re looking for a simple, reliable, and affordable charger, the Tesla Wall Connector is still a solid option.

However, if you want more control over your charging process and are interested in smart features, the Zappi EV Charger might be a better fit. The Zappi offers advanced functionalities like solar integration and multiple charging modes, making it more versatile for users with different EV brands or those planning to switch to EVs in the future.

If you’re not tied to the Tesla ecosystem and value flexibility and advanced features, the Zappi EV Charger could be the right choice.

A person in a green sweater plugs a charger into an electric car.

For Solar Users

If you have solar panels or plan to install them, the Zappi EV Charger is the clear winner if you don’t own a Tesla (remember the Charge From Solar function we mentioned? It levels the playing field a bit for solar users with a Tesla). This feature can lead to significant savings on your electricity bill and help you make the most of your solar investment.

The Zappi offers different charging modes, such as Eco+, which allows you to charge your car solely from solar power. Zappi’s ability to integrate with your home’s energy system and maximise the use of solar power makes it the best choice if you don’t own a Tesla.

For Basic Users

If you just want a charger that gets the job done without too many bells and whistles, the Tesla Wall Connector is the way to go. It’s easy to install, simple to use, and offers reliable performance at a great price. Even if you don’t own a Tesla, the Wall Connector will charge your EV efficiently and without any hassle.

However, if you’re willing to spend a bit more for additional features and greater control, the Zappi EV Charger offers more flexibility. It’s especially useful if you have or plan to get solar panels, but even without solar, the Zappi’s smart features and different charging modes might be worth the extra cost.

If you’re interested in learning a bit more about the Tesla App, you might want to check out the following article titled, How to Set Up and Use the Tesla Powerwall App.

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Take Charge with Tesla and Zappi

Now you know a bit more about the similarities and differences between these two chargers.

  • Choosing between the Tesla Wall Connector and the Zappi EV Charger comes down to your specific needs and future plans. If you’re a Tesla owner, the Wall Connector offers seamless integration, simplicity, and affordability. It’s a reliable choice that’s hard to beat for anyone already invested in Tesla products.
  • However, if you’re looking for more advanced features, especially in a home with solar power, the Zappi EV Charger is the better option. It’s versatile, works with a wide range of EVs, and offers smart features that can help you save on energy costs. The Zappi’s ability to integrate with various home energy systems makes it a future-proof choice, especially for those who want to maximise their solar investment.

In the end, both chargers are excellent choices, but the best one for you will depend on your vehicle, your home setup, and how much control you want over your charging process. Whether you’re looking for simplicity or advanced features, there’s a charger here that will meet your needs and keep your EV ready to go.

At Penrith Solar Centre, we’re so much more than solar panels, we’re experts in renewable energy. EV chargers are part of that evolving energy lifestyle infrastructure for you and yours.

A group of people posing in front of a building at Penrith Solar Centre.

If you’re interested in reading a bit more about EV charging, you might want to check out the following article titled, Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Guide 2024.

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